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明日必悦 | 夺冠大中华区SAP 1B Lives(改善亿万人生活计划)

  明日必悦  2018-09-28 16:58:15

On 9:30 am , June 22nd, 2018 , The first Greater China 1B Lives demo day took place in SAP Labs Shanghai. Behappy team won in the five shortlisted 1BLives teams from Greater China. After 6 minutes pitch and 6 minutes Q&A, Behappy's outstanding idea pitch supported from SAP Great China juries. Behappy team was chosen to move forward to join SAP global accelerator programwhere they will receive funding, time and support to progress their idea – and ultimately pitch for incubation and seed investment with SAP.iO in Spainn on Nov

2018, 6 月 22 日上午 9:30,首届大中华区 1B Lives Demo Day(改善亿万人生活计划) 活动在SAP上海研究院完美收官。Behappy 团队从入围的5个 1Billion Lives 团队中脱颖而出。经过6分钟的项目演示和6分钟的问答环节后,Behappy团队的项目创意和出色表现赢得SAP大中华区评委会的支持,Behappy团队夺冠并进入SAP全球项目的“Accelerator ”阶段进一步完善商业计划,并获得启动资金、时间和公司资源,以继续实施他们的奇思妙想。最终,在11月份西班牙获胜团队将向 SAP.iO 呈现优化项目,争取获得孵化和种子基金的机会。


About Behappy 关于明日必悦

Behappy, founded by Krystal Yu in 2018. Our mission: 

Krystal Yu于2018创建明日必悦。我们的使命是:


Be best you, transform from love relationship for happy life.


Marriage is one of the means of achieving high-level social prestige, however divorce has been identified as one of the most significant stressors in life, second only to death. Globally, divorce and marriage ratio is about 50%. According to Bloomberg, every day 10,000 marriages get divorced in China and increased 4 times since 2002. Between 30% and 40% people get divorced in 1st tier cities in China from Ministry of Civil Affairs report. We live in a human family in crisis period.

婚姻可以帮助人们实现更高的社会地位,然而离婚在生命中仅次于死而承受巨大的压力。 在全球范围内,离婚和婚姻比例约为50:50。 据彭博社报道,每天有10,000次婚姻破裂。自2002年以来, 离婚率上升了4倍。民政部报告称,在中国一线城市中有30%至40%的人离婚。 我们生活在一个家庭危机时期的时代。

Top 10 high divorce rate and marriage ratio city (Ministry of Civil Affairs, 2017). 

中国离婚结婚比率前10名(中国民政局, 2017)

Divorce lead to many social problem as well. 


Divorce cost high and make people poor: The average cost of divorce is around £44,000 in UK according to 'This is Money' report. 15% to 20% divorce people associated with poor outcomes when they end marriage.

离婚成本高使人贫穷。根据英国 “这是金钱”媒体的报告,英国离婚平均花费约为44,000英镑。15%20%位离婚的人在离婚后会破产

Divorce damage health both mental and physically. Marital separation and divorce are associated with increased 35% higher risk for illness (high blood pressure, heart disease, emotion depressed.) and early death for 4 years.


Single parent with a child issue: Across OECD countries, about 20% child living in single parent family. Single parents who drop in family income to raise child comparing two parents. 47% of single parent child is poor in UK report by Gingerbread. Children is influenced by divorce have depressed, attack, low performance, etc.


High divorce rate make more and more people choose to live in single or cohabitation. To avoid family crisis, improve high quality couple relationships is very key for increasing individual's life happiness.



Traditionally, couple counsel to marital therapist when encounter couple issue. However, it's currently limited by number of therapist and hours available globally. In China, we lack of professional marital therapist and 85% people would like to think themselves according to survey result inside SAP. Most marital therapist focus on conflict management and the effectiveness of marital therapy is only 35%.


Dr. John Gottman (https://www.johngottman.net), who get American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Distinguished Research Scientist Award, spend 40 years to research 3000 couples and find 67% couples get divorce after 40 years marriage. He build couple's big data and discovered mathematic algorithm to predict couple divorce during conflict with 94% accuracy. This predict result can be helpful know couple's behaviour and the root cause for their issue for providing treatment solution.  

约翰·戈特曼John Gottman博士 (https://www.johngottman.net),被誉为美国婚姻和家庭治疗研究的杰出科学家。在他 40多年的研究中,追踪了3,000对夫妇,发现67%的夫妇在婚后40年会离婚。他构建了爱情大数据并生成了数学预测算法,来预测夫妇的婚姻关系,准确率高达94%。这个预测结果有助于发现伴侣间的亲密关系的行为以及夫妻问题的根源,从而为他们提供有针对性的治疗方案。

What if we digitalized Gottman methodology to reduce therapist time by 90% and make it available to company as employee benefit?



We let love go digital and digitalized marital therapist for happy marriage and happy family. We partnership with Dr. John Gottman scientific institute to provide couple relationship assessment and recommendation intelligently on mobile. With their research couple data(such as video recording, body information, predict algorithm, seven principle and workshop material, etc), leverage SAP Leonardo machine learning and NLP capability to resolve the couple relationship social issue.

“让爱数字化”——我们数字化婚姻治疗服务,使婚姻和家庭更幸福美满。我们与John Gottman博士科学研究机构合作,在手机上提供智能的伴侣亲密关系评估和改进建议。利用Gottman多年的研究数据(如视频记录、身体信息、预测算法、幸福婚姻的七个原则等),以及SAP Leonardo的机器学习和NLP能力来解决伴侣的亲密关系问题。

On the other hand, Krystal Yu found Behappy NGO project and partnership with ChinaNext Foundation ( http://www.chinanext.org ) and which is a UK-registered charity.We aim to provide couple with professional support and resources globally, such as marriage and psychological counselling, career and co-parenting, financial planning, divorce coach service to save family crisis and help people face the challenge of 'love relationship crisis' positively and scientifically. With two major product & service: Best You Story(wechat) and BEHAPPY Class, we promote through the channels of university, corporate employee welfare and civil affairs bureau(government marriage and divorce registration).The aim is to influence people refocus on importance of "love relationship" with activities, such as public training & workshops, the development of courses, and cooperation with 3rd party NGO projects,etc. In addition, through cooperation with universities and research institutions, we provide new user experience with digital technology. Integrating with the theory and big data, we generate "love relationship" research report. 

另一方面,Krystal Yu发起了“明日必悦”公益项目,由上海明日公益事业发展中心管理 http://www.chinanext.org )。我们的目标是为伴侣们提供全球专业的资源和支持服务,涵盖了婚姻和心理咨询、职业规划和子女共同抚养、家庭理财、离婚辅导服务等,以挽救家庭危机,帮助大众用科学的方式积极面对“情感危机”。目前主要的业务活动围绕打造乐蜕变故事(微信公众服务号)和幸福力课程为主要的服务,通过在大学校园,民政局结婚和离婚注册,企业员工福利三个主要推广普及的渠道,以宣讲会、培训及工作坊及“幸福力”课程开发、其他非赢利机构合作公益项目等多种方式,推动公众对于亲密关系的关注。此外我们将通过和大学及研究机构的合作,利用数字化技术提供全新的用户体验,同时结合研究机构的理论进行大数据分析,为大众提供全民“亲密关系”大数据分析报告。


About SAP 1Billion Lives 关于改善亿万人生活计划

The SAP One Billion Lives program was founded in 2016 in APJ to realize SAP's purpose to help the world run better and improve people's lives. It is a crowd-sourced, ground up program, employing the power of SAP technology, to deliver sustainable, commercially-viable social impact, and improving the lives of one billion people. In 2018, the program goes global and employees from all regions will have the opportunity to turn their big idea into big social impact.

SAP One Billion Lives计划于2016年在APJ地区建立,旨在实现SAP的愿景:帮让世界运转更卓越,让人们的生活更美好。它是一个面向全体SAP员工,利用SAP技术,提供可持续的、商业上可行、具有社会影响力,改善亿万人生活的项目。 2018年,该计划走向全球,来自SAP各地区的员工,将有机会将他们的奇思妙想转改善亿万人的生活。

It is a key part of SAP strategy to realize our full potential in delivering our purpose around the world. A purpose-driven strategy brings together talent and technology to address global challenges - which benefits business, customers, employees, partners - and the world. That is why we engineer solutions to fuel innovation, foster equality, and spread opportunity across borders and cultures. Together, we can transform industries, grow economies, lift up societies and sustain our environment. It will take all of us to amplify and deliver on SAP purpose, out in the world.

在全球实现愿景的最大潜力是SAP战略的关键部分。作为一家有使命感的企业,SAP将人才与技术相结合,应对全球挑战,最终惠及企业、客户、员工、 合作伙伴,以及整个世界。因此,我们跨越国界和文化差异,设计全新解决方案,推动创新,促进平等。你我携手,助力行业转型,推动经济增长,促进社会及环境的可持续性发展。我们每一位员工都能在世界范围内扩大并实现SAP的愿景。


About Krystal Yu 关于Krystal Yu

Krystal Yu holds a Master of Software Engineering from Peking University and an MBA from the Alliance Manchester Business School. She previously is senior account Executive with a distinguished 13-year career leading large enterprise in Fortune 500 company firm. With divorce experience personally, Krystal Yu transform to a social entrepreneurship to help people encounter the unhappy marriage and divorce challenge. She identifies the couple issue root cause due to lack of professional resource in China. Connecting the global thought leader to resolve the issue in scientific way in China, she founded Behappy to digitalize marital therapist and make every family become a peaceful and happy place.

Krystal Yu持有北京大学软件工程硕士学位和曼彻斯特商学院工商管理硕士学位。她曾在500强公司担任13年资深客户经理。在经历了离婚后,Krystal Yu蜕变成为一名社会企业家,希望帮助那些遭遇不幸婚姻和离婚挑战的人们。她发现在中国缺乏专业的资源是导致伴侣们“亲密关系”的根源,她希望通过网罗全球的婚姻家庭服务大师,用科学的方式解决中国的“亲密关系”问题,故创立了“明日必悦”提供数字化婚姻治疗师服务,致力于让每个家庭成为和平幸福的港湾。


Ministry of civil affairs (China) (2015). 'The divorce rate of 2016 in China', [Online] Available at: http://www.mca.gov.cn/(Accessed: 22 January 2017).